中文 Chinese Chinese
  • 粵拼 繁體中文 tranditional chinese粵拼
  • 粤拼 简体中文 tranditional chinese粤拼
荷蘭文 Dutch buitenlandse Leg:

  • Jyutping, één van de vele Kantonese romanisatie systemen
  • afgekort van 粵語拼音|粤语拼音 [Yue4 yu3 Pin1 yin1]
粵拼 粤拼 buitenlandse Uitspraak:
  • [Yue4 pin1]

Engels Leg
  • Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems
  • abbr. of 粵語拼音|粤语拼音[Yue4 yu3 Pin1 yin1]