中文 Chinese
英文 English Explain:
can't bear having grit in one's eye (idiom)
unable to put sth objectionable out of one's mind
not prepared to turn a blind eye
眼裡容不得沙子 眼里容不得沙子 English Pronunciation:
[yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5]
眼見 眼见
眼見得 眼见得
眼見為實 眼见为实
眼觀六路耳聽八方 眼观六路耳听八方
眼觀四處,耳聽八方 眼观四处,耳听八方
眼觀四面,耳聽八方 眼观四面,耳听八方