中文 Chinese Chinese
  • 大同 繁體中文 tranditional chinese大同
  • 大同 简体中文 tranditional chinese大同
荷蘭文 Dutch buitenlandse Leg:

  • Datong of grote gemeenschap in neo-Confuciaanse filosofie, sim. Nieuw Jeruzalem
  • Datong of Tatung district van de stad van Taipeh 臺北市|台北市 [Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
  • Datong prefectuur niveau stad in Shanxi 山西
  • Datong of Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|
大同 大同 buitenlandse Uitspraak:
  • [Da4 tong2]

Engels Leg
  • Datong or Great community in neo-Confucian philosophy, sim. New Jerusalem
  • Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
  • Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西
  • Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|