中文 Chinese
  • 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 繁體中文 tranditional chinese野火燒不盡,春風吹又生
  • 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 简体中文 tranditional chinese野火烧不尽,春风吹又生
英文 English Explain:

  • lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb)
  • fig. cannot be easily eliminated
  • abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风[ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1
野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 English Pronunciation:
  • [ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 , chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1]