中文 Chinese
  • 諸子 繁體中文 tranditional chinese諸子
  • 诸子 简体中文 tranditional chinese诸子
英文 English Explain:

  • various sages
  • refers to the classical schools of thought, e.g. Confucianism 儒[ru2] represented by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3], Daoism 道[dao4] by Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3], Mohism 墨[mo4] by
諸子 诸子 English Pronunciation:
  • [zhu1 zi3]